
What defines Solar Design is that it is much more than a way to provide sustainable energy: Solar Design shapes new relationships between people and their environment. These solar (energy) relations can be explored following different themes (i.e. levels of scale and intimacy and systemic complexity and value): 

  • The Personal

    We explore personal stories and relationships with the sun, paying particular attention to each individual's feelings and senses of each individual. How different forms of materiality, tactility and interaction can help people on a daily basis and make them more involved in the sustainability of society.

  • The Social

    Beyond the individual level, we explore how Solar Design can connect and illuminate groups of people. What does it take to make solar energy valuable for communities and how can it help reshape those communities?

  • The Spatial

    This is where the cities of the future come into focus. What would a city look like, for example, if every surface could generate its own energy? More and more techniques are available that make the integration of solar energy into urban design easier and more attractive.

  • The Environmental

    Because solar panels have such a long life (about 40 years) too little thought has been given to circularity and reuse. However, it is important to pay attention to the (origin of the) materials we use and how we want to leave our landscape to future generations.